Where original bathroom items can’t be found anymore, Affaire d’Eau tries to find the best reproductions of the original items. During our expeditions we do encounter more and more often items that are not directly related to the bathroom but do reflect the atmosphere of our collection. It would be a pity not to offer these articles and that is the reason that we introduce on our new website our Warehouse Nostalgia. A virtual warehouse where you will find well made reproductions in combination with antique items. Obviously, the difference between the authentic and the new items isn’t invisible but that difference enables you to use these items without fear of damaging a priceless piece.
Homedecor from the past for contemporary living spaces
Metal Console Round
Botanical Model Waterlily
Book Stand
Soap Dish Mercure Oval
Metal Console Carree
Memo Clip Petite Main
Waste Paper Basket Pharmacie
Porcelain Goblet
Shelf Swan
Towel Ring Swan
Fleur de Lys Hook
Mirror Sculptee Oblong
Mirror Barber's Shop
Antique Mirror Art Deco Large
Trifold Mirror Nickel
Folding Mirror Trifold
Trifold Mirror Facetee
Antique Mirrors Art Nouveau
Homedecor from the past for contemporary living spaces