Our collection antique bathroom accessories varies strongly. Some of the objects are extremely rare and unique and the collection you will find in our shop shows the enormous diversity that once could be found. In addition to our collection antique bathroom accessories we also offer the best replicas of items that have become very difficult to find. For example antique toilet paper holders are very difficult to find and we offer a collection of reproductions that are very close to the first models that once were produced. Read more about the history of the toiletpaper holder here (link)
Antique and classic bathroom accessories for a nostalgic bathroom
Towel holder towel rack nickel
Double bathroom shelf
Art nouveau shelf holders
Soap dispenser Boule
Towel rack Brass free standing
Vintage barber powder vessel
Antique soap holder Ornate
Shower basket Thomas Crapper
Antique sponge and soap holder
Toilet rol holder Caroussel
Shower basket Victorian
Single hook Victorian
Toilet Door Lock Brass
Toilet Door Lock Nickel
Metal Console Round
Paper Holder Porcelain
Soap Dish Mercure Oval
Extendible Bath Bridge
Antique and classic bathroom accessories for a nostalgic bathroom